Video Games as Sports


The majority of us see games as something to have fun with, but there’s much greater potential involved with games that you can learn about as you explore 먹튀플러스. Many people see video games as “child’s play,” underestimating their use as a hobby, and as a competition platform.

One recent example comes to mind of a friend inquiring about another friend. We’ll call the questioner Jane and the person in question Matt. Jane asked me what Matt’s age was. To her, I replied that he’s 22. Jane was shocked and asked why he still plays video games at such an age.

Another example belongs to my mother, who, after conversing about my future plans, told me I can’t expect my future wife to be interested in video games. At that remark, I asked, why not? She said, “Well you aren’t going to be playing video games when you’re older, are you?”

Both of these examples, I feel, play well into the current view of video games among the general population. The generation that grew up with video games as teens or kids are now growing into adult age, and don’t seem eager to drop their controllers.

If we look at what video games are, it’s similar to other mediums. Books gave us storytelling. Music gave us storytelling with audio. Television and Movies, compound on music, but with added visual elements. Video games are just the next step in the evolution of communication mediums, bringing along with it interactivity with the audience.

“So what, are video games a sport, then?” Well, I’ll tell you, hold your horses.

First, let’s take a look at current sports. Basketball, football, baseball, and the like. Sports, in general, are part of the entertainment sector. If we didn’t get the sense of joy or sadness as our favorite teams lap a field or court several times every Sunday, then why would we pay them an average of $3 million a year?

I’ve also heard the argument (from Jane), that sports are different than video games because you’re exercising and moving. Albeit, this is true, but that doesn’t mean they’re entirely different. (This is where I start explaining competitive video games currently)

Off the top of my head, I can think of three games that are played very competitively; Starcraft II from Blizzard, and Dota 2 and Counter-Strike from VALVe. While these games come from different genres, they’re all played competitively for cash, just as traditional sports are (with the exception that for these players to get paid, they have to win as opposed to a salary).

With tournaments ranging from $2.5k to the winners, to major tournaments that will bank $1m to a team for victory, competitive video games are no laughing matter. VALVe recently (I say recently, it was 3 months ago, just feels recent) hosted The International 2012 at Seattle, Washington. If you never thought that people could get excited about a video game, I invite you to check out this YouTube video (See Resources). It is from the finals of The International 2012 and features a standing ovation as the crowd gets entertained by the two best teams at the competition.

While the players who compete may not get physically exhausted or hurt, they do suffer from mental exhaustion. Imagine playing a straight day of a strategy game; you and another player on Starcraft II, for 8+ hours. I’d also like to mention (while it’s not video games) Magic: The Gathering. While it’s seen as just paper to others, it’s an industry to many. These players suffer from mental exhaustion after spending a full day’s worth trying to examine all the possibilities of their plays and attempt to build their decks correctly in order to win.

I’m not even taking into consideration competitive video games the advertising revenue, sportscasters, and the likes involved in this. I know that I’m only covering a narrow section of competitive video games. I’m completely leaving out that which happens in our own home, but maybe that’s another article.

Instead of trying to beat your opponent in a physical altercation or your aiming skills, you’re trying to beat them with your hand-eye coordination, precision, and knowledge of strategies.

We’re already starting to see video games be used competitively, and I feel that as more companies start to see the potential, the industry can only hope to expand. China has already taken a grasp of competitive video games. I don’t know how long into the future we can expect to see an ESPN channel, but I do know that we will see an increase in their appearance, and I can’t wait.